Development of E-Commerce Platform
- Client: Dhagun Tech. Ltd
- Location: Abuja
- Url link: Opentek Nigeria Limited
- Date: Oct. 11, 2023, 10:11 p.m.
- Status: Completed
Development of E-Commerce Platform
The scope of this project is to design and develop a web, android and iOS E-commerce application for sales of organic products in Nigeria. The E-commerce web application consists of the product/categories module, the checkout/payment module, the search module, the order module, the shopping cart module, the user module and the admin panel. The android and iOS application consists of the account activities, address activities, order activities, reward/coupon activities, cart activities, wish list activities, payment activities, categories activities, notifications activities, product search activities, cash on delivery activities, email/text messaging activities, notifications activities, delivery activities and rating activities.
The flow of a business process for E-commerce application: after a customer has placed an order, transaction receipt containing the ordered products is automatically sent to the customer’s email address. The admin manager will then receive an email notification for every successful transaction by any customer. The admin manager can then go to the admin panel to confirm the payment, accepts the order if payment was successful. The admin manager will keep updating the status of the order from Accepted to Processing to Packaging to Completed. The admin manager is also expected to keep 39 updating the delivery status from Packaged to Shipped, Post office to Delivered. The customer can view the process of his order from the user panel of the application. Every month, admin or owner can view or print report for sold item, view or print report purchase order, view or print payment, view, or print delivery order. At the user panel of the application, the user can update and change password, upload his profile picture, update his name and delivery addresses, view his/her orders, ordered products, wish list, comments, ratings, favorite and also reward coins.
The android mobile application of the E-commerce platform was also build using Java on Android Studio and firebase database. The admin panel of the android app was built using react.js, html and CSS. The admin panel allows the admin to add categories and upload products on the android app, upload banner slider, strip ad sliders, notifications, process orders and cancelled orders. The User interface was first designed using ConceptDraw, which is a Unified Modeling Language Tool for android application user interface